About Us
Who We Are and What We Do...
The Automotive Division of SPE is dedicated to recognizing and communicating technical accomplishments in all phases of new automotive plastics and plastic-based composite applications and has over 1500 members worldwide. Ours is one of 22 divisions or sections within SPE. It was chartered on September 9, 1970 to communicate with Division members as well as to industry and the public about current and developmental automotive and ground-transportation uses of polymeric materials, such as rigid and elastomeric thermoplastics and thermosets, rigid and flexible foams, composites, nanocomposites, films, and more.
The Division presents technical sessions at ANTEC (SPE's ANnual TEChnical Conference) and organizes topical conferences (such as our popular Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition (ACCE) and our new Automotive Engineering Plastics (AutoEPCON) Conference), and works with other technical societies to increase knowledge about current and future automotive plastic applications. We fund college scholarships and sponsor and participate in additional educational outreach programs for school children through the PlastiVan Program from the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI).
SPE members are invited to attend board meetings and are welcome to participate on committees organizing any of the annual events. Meet at 5:00 pm for networking and dinner and then stay for the meetings, which typically run from 5:30-8:30 pm. Please contact our current Automotive Division chair (e-mail auto-div-chair@speautomotive.com), in advance if you are interested in attending a meeting.
In addition to educational activities, the Division sponsors the oldest and largest awards competitions in the automotive and plastics industries to recognize the year's Most Innovative Use of Plastics in ground-transportation applications. Winning teams are recognized at our annual SPE Automotive Innovation Awards Gala, a glittering evening of celebration to recognize excellence in automotive plastics engineering and executive leadership.
VISIT our website to learn more about our mission, goals and sign-up to receive eMail updates.